Tuesday 15 September 2009


TDF is being such an unholy bitch right now. I realise I brought a lot of this on by myself, because I'm being a crazy-in-the-head thing right now, but so many people are saying things really out of order. I could name names but I won't. I don't know who the hell's side I'm on. I just want out and I just want it all to goddamn stop.

TDF is all some of us have. It's the only place I know of where I have +3 friends. Really. And when things like this start up, my flight instinct takes over and I run and hide. I want it all to just stop, dammit. I hate all this underhanded, snarky bitching that's going on.

Especially between people I once loved and trusted. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's my trust being betrayed. I'm a loyal creature, and betraying me is like stabbing me in the heart and twisting the knife. It kills me. It ruins me.

I don't know if I even WANT to go back now. People like Bee and Rachel have been seeing this decay for a while, but it's just now become apparent to me. I don't know if I want to come back or not.

...People should know by now. If they mess with her, they have me to answer to. I will not stand by and look on if anyone hurts my mongoose.

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